CFP Saturday, plus a few other cool things.

There is but one CFP today, so I’ve had to pad this a bit with other potentially interesting things.

Universitas scholarium. The social and cultural history of the European student from the Middle Ages to the Present
Cologne, Germany
Dates: 24-25.10.13
Deadline: 31.3.13

And a few errata which are not CFPs, but may be of some interest anyway:

Footsteps of King Arthur
19 April 2013, 10am-5pm
A one-day symposium at Glastonbury Abbey featuring some excellent researchers (if I can arrange to get and stay there, I will totally go.)

st Catherine’s University Latin Summer Institute
3 June 13-9 Aug 13, Minneapolis, MN

Keele University Latin Summer School
Much closer and cheaper if you’re in the UK than Minnesota.
27 July-1 Aug 2013

There are, of course, more Latin summer schools on a variety of continents out there; these are just the two that have popped up in my inbox recently. Durham generally has a good one in the UK, as does Notre Dame in the US.

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